les communications des conférenciers invités sont en grasl'ensemble des résumés des tous les communications est disponible dans un document pdf (21.8MB) ici
Mercredi 17 janvier 2007
Boissons: 18h30 à The Bombardier, 2 place de la PanthéonDîner: 20h00, La Soummam, 43 rue Mazarine (près de métro Odéon) 15-25€
Jeudi 18 janvier 2007
CNRS Pouchet59/61 rue Pouchet, Paris 17e arrondissement
métro Guy Môquet
plan d'acces
13h00-13h45 | inscription |
13h45-14h00 | bienvenue |
14h00-15h00 | Raffaella
Folli (University of Ulster) and Heidi Harley (University of
Arizona) Teleology and animacy in external arguments |
15h00-15h30 | Ekaterina Lyutikova and Sergei Tatevosov (Moscow State
University) Causativization and Event Structure |
15h30-16h00 | Jaume Mateu (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) |
16h00-16h30 | pause |
16h30-17h00 | Anja Latrouite (Heinrich Heine Universitaet
Duesseldorf) Event-structural prominence and forces in verb meaning change |
17h00-18h00 | Max Kistler (Université Paris X - Nanterre/Institute Jean Nicod) Two types of causal statements |
18h00-19h30 | réception |
Vendredi 19 janvier 2007
Ecole Normale Supérieure29, rue d'Ulm, Paris 5e arrondissement
salle Jules Ferry (au sous-sol)
métro Place Monge, Censier-Daubenton, ou Cardinal Lemoine; RER Luxembourg
plan d'acces
9h30-10h30 | Phillip
Wolff (Emory University) Force dynamics in causal meaning and reasoning |
10h30-11h00 | Wilhelm Geuder and Matthias Weisgerber (Universität Konstanz) |
11h00-11h30 | pause |
11h30-12h00 | Sergey Say (Institute for Linguistic Research, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg) Between causation and intention: semantic bleaching of causatives in Kalmyck dependent clauses |
12h00-13h00 | Gillian Ramchand (University of Tromsø) Direct and Indirect Causation in Hindi |
13h00-15h00 | déjeuner |
15h00-15h30 | Monika
Schulz (Freiburg University) Causer, recipient and possessor: the grammatical subject of GET and the context-sensitivity of empty preposition PHAVE |
15h30-16h00 | Patrick Caudal (LLF, UMR 7110, CNRS &
Université Paris 7) Narration, causality, and epistemic modality |
16h00-16h30 |
Kerstin Schwabe (ZAS Berlin) Force and German solitaires |
16h30-18h00 | séance de posters |
20h00-? | dîner du colloque : 20€ payable au moment que vous vous inscrivez Restaurant Sud-ouest/L'Escarmouche 40, rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève Paris 5e arrondissement map |
Samedi 20 janvier 2007
Ecole Normale Supérieure29, rue d'Ulm, Paris 5e arrondissement
salle Jules Ferry (au sous-sol)
métro Place Monge, Censier-Daubenton, ou Cardinal Lemoine; RER Luxembourg
plan d'acces
9h30-10h30 | Paul
Egré (Institut Jean Nicod) "Kill", "Intend to Kill", "Kill Intentionally" – On the Knobe Effect and the semantics of intentional action |
10h30-11h00 | Fabienne Martin (Universität Stuttgart) |
11h00-11h30 | pause |
11h30-12h30 | Ayumi Matsuo (University of Sheffield) |
12h30-13h00 | Nigel Duffield (University of Sheffield) |
13h00-15h00 | déjeuner |
15h00-15h30 | Tatjana Ilic (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Involuntary state construction in Serbo-Croatian |
15h30-16h30 | Richmond
Thomason (University of Michigan) |
16h30-17h00 | pause |
17h00-18h00 | discussion |
Séance de posters
Alternate: Shin Fukuda (University of California, San Diego)
Interdependency between Object Case
and Event Type: Accusative-Dative Alternation in Japanese
John Beavers (Georgetown University)
The Interaction of Causation and Affectedness
in Transitivity
Casilda Garcia de la Maza (University of the Basque Country)
The Semantic Role of the
Middle Subject
Yahiro Hirakawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
On a non-volitional transitive construction
Kyoko Kuroda (Shimane Prefectural Women's College)
Evénement causatif et ses structures
Sumayya Racy (University of Arizona)
The Raising/Control Distinction and the
Pragmatic Nature of Modals
Gudrun Rawoens (Ghent University)
Causative constructions in Swedish
and Dutch: A corpus-based syntactic-semantic study
Eva-Maria Remberger (Universität Konstanz)
Volitional force in WANT constructions